
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ironclad Fleet

I purchased some Thourobred Miniatures ironclads at Cold Wars and just finished them.  They will be used in an upcoming game I'll be hosting for the club over the summer.  The models are really nicely cast and very easy to build.  After priming, the I managed to paint the seven vessels shown this morning in about 3 hours.

I have noticed the the fleets are not very balanced as I have only two Union ships to oppose 4 Confederates.  I'm sure Mr Barrett over at Thoroughbred will help me balance out the forces via a second purchase.  I do have one ship still to build, the CSS Raider Alabama.  It's a more involved project as it has some rigging and I've sent off for some 1/600 ratlines to add to the model.  I still need to base the models as that will reduce some of the wear and tear from game play usage.

My plan is to use the models as part of a campaign game that uses my relatively large 6mm ACW figure collection.  The land battles will be fought using the "Black Powder" ruleset and I still need to pick a simple ACW naval ruleset.  The campaign will be simulated using a double blind 20x20 grid map that will allow for naval movement.  I'm still playing around with the rules but think it will work pretty well.


  1. They look great. Although ACW isn't a period I've gamed yet, I've always liked ironclads. Dean

  2. Thanks - I'm taking a bit of a break from Nappy's for another month of so. I find ship models to be both fun and much easier to do than 28mm figures. It's a nice change of pace.

  3. Lovely models...

    I've always enjoyed ACW ironclads ever since as a youth I read Don Featherstone's Naval Wargaming which resulted in me casting up miniatures of Monitor and Merimac (sp?)... I must try it again sometime - I look forward to your post on the rules...

  4. Looking good. I'm excited about your project (especially getting to play in it myself!)

    I have just the think to make your river sections out of by the way. Look me up when you are ready.

  5. Ships look good. For basing my ironclads, I glue the ships to a pastic card and use a thick dk blue (or brownish for riverine forces) paint that will capture the ripples and bow and stern wakes. Add a few white caps when the thick blue paint dries and you are done.
