
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Romans, Rebs and Yanks

 I had a chance to sneak down to the game room and get some painting time in as my son is away on a scout outing so there will be no Robotic's practice this weekend.  After seeing some great Roman Auxiliary calvary posts for Big Red Bat's blog, I thought it would be fun to finish off my second unit of aux calvary (Warlord figures).  I've always been a bit nervous about painting horses but wanted to get the job done before the new "Hail Caesar" rules come out in the Spring / Summer.

 Here's a shot that shows my mobile painting station.  It's a 24 inch x 24 inch piece of plywood with a shelf .  I find using a relatively small space forces me to be somewhat organized and that helps lend to spending more time painting rather than looking for "that" part!

I've also started 2 packs of the new "Uncivil War" figures and currently they have been primed and awaiting painting once the Romans are complete.  Last night, AofW Ernie hosted another play test of the rules and let me say it was a blast.  A battle report will be coming shortly, but here's a few  teaser shots....

 A portion of the confederates approach through the swamps.

Pig Sty Alamo!!!!!!!!!
Hmmmm, I wonder where I could get a cool pig sty model like that?


  1. Nice projects. I'm thinking of getting that ruleset too - after seen a recent post of that one and War and Conquest being played. The basing looks similar to WAB (which my stuff are). BTW, what are those large cases hanging off the horses backsides? Javelin cases? Regards, Dean

  2. You have some great projects on the go. I hate painting horses too. Nothing worse. Good to see Hail Caesar is gathering steam.

  3. Dean:
    I think they are javelin quivers but I'm not sure - they came with the models and like a dutiful war-gamer I stuck 'em on!

    There's a longish article o the Warlord site about basing for Hail Caesar and it does seem to allow for an easy transfer from WAB. Infantry are all on 20mm square bases which is what I use.

    Beccas: Thanks for the comments. I think one of the reasons I picked Romans is the limited amount of cavalry!


  4. Ahh, Roman cavalry, thats what I like see. Certainly hope you paint yours a lot quicker than I did mine.

    I always find horses a bit daunting buy the end results are usually worth the effort.

    Love the scenery, what a board!!!

    Cheers, Guido.

  5. Miles - I have to say that, slightly against the grain here, I love painting horses... undercoat black/dampbrush white/cover with chestnut ink/black wash on mane,tail,lower legs - jobs a good'un - nothing is easier, pretty good results (IMHO) quickly...

    For your pig sty you could use AofW's own product... :o)

  6. Miles - have to say I'm somewhat jealous of your gaming at your friend Arnie's establishment - the tables and entire set-up are absolutely stunning. I look forward to your report (and some more great pics) of your ACW skirmish game.


  7. Doc: You should be jealous of Ernie's setup - it's pretty amazing and I don't think there's a historical period he doesn't have an army for. My first introduction to historical miniatures was on his table so you can imagine how "spoiled" that made me!


  8. That's the Architect of War pig sty. A bit expensive for me, so I'm planning to build one myself...
