
Monday, January 17, 2011

"Uncivil War" Play Test

 Ernie invited me over for another play test of his new "Uncivil War" skirmish ruleset.  He's planning to do a full battle report on his blog so I've only got a few pictures here.  The game featured Ernie's wonderful terrain and painted figures.  The first picture shows the town, which was the objective of the raid.

 The scenario involved a water borne confederate assault on a Union held town to steal supplies.  Outside the town was a Union calvary regiment.  The Confederates also had some off-table calvary but it's entry was controlled by a die roll.

The last picture shows the battle about two thirds through - here a detachment of dismounted Union calvary is about to demonstrate how effective sharps repeaters are at close range on rebels caught out in the open.  Thank goodness the rebs (me!) had two characters with the troops including "the Swede" the large gentlemen who is very deadly in close combat.

What happened in the game? - I''ll leave that to Ernie to describe in a future blog post.  lets just say it was a fun outing and the rules are coming along nicely.

The last photo also shows a proto-type of Architects of War's new laser cut barn model (with the roof removed) - it's a great terrain piece and very easy to put together.


  1. wow! Just gorgeous!

    -WWPD Steven

  2. Wow! Fantastic scenery. The water and boats are incredibly done. Regards, Dean

  3. Awesome! The water board looks great, scenery is excellent! Thanks for sharing.



  4. Absolutely stunning gaming me so many ideas for my old west town. :)

  5. Magnificent gaming table, great game with like minded enthusiasts!

  6. WoW!Talk about one fantastic looking board!!

