
Saturday, April 16, 2011

And so it Begins

 Today is my wife's annual Spring party for the Univ of Maryland's women Dental student society. Soon my house will be over-run by 50 20-ish females.  It's a very dangerous environment and I will subjected to comments such as "Look at all the pretty soldier dolls" or "Those remind me of Ken's" or (and this is the worst) "do you play dress up with your toys?"

The one benefit of the whole ordeal is the food - oh it's a glorious French theme this year and today this "real man" definitely eats quiche and mass quantities of it.  Sadly, my wife has banned my traditional greeting of the students which involves a lawn chair by the front porch, and 10 cards numbered 1 through 10.  Now before you gasp, I realize this is a social event, so I never use a card below "5".  You see I am the very model of decorum and class.  Unfortunately, this practice has fallen victim to the fickle whims of propriety.


  1. Genius ... the card system would be fun if you had all your gaming buddies with you. Each could be in Sunday casual ... and gentlemen drinks in hand as well. Stay classy ... and good luck ...

  2. Yes, the card system would be fun, until we're caught by my wife and then, not-so-fun!!!!!


  3. I suspect you may be enjoying yourself todays Miles, have fun.


  4. I don't what say.
    Is it have fun today or more like Good luck.;)

  5. You are a very funny man! I want to read more It made my day.
