
Saturday, April 16, 2011

I Survived....

 Well this year's version of my wife's reception for women dental students has come and gone.  I managed to survive without any permanent physical scaring.  It was tough as I had to be social and gracious and all that other "good manner's stuff".

 Perhaps the most harrowing episode was when two guests discovered they were wearing the same blouse.  If it were not for some fast acting diplomacy on my part this meeting engagement could have turned ugly as these things are wont to do.

Here's a picture of the hostess, my wife, in full food prep mode.  All-in-all I think everyone had a good time and I managed to stay out of trouble.  Of course the best part is that there are leftovers that must be consumed.  That's a job that I am uniquely suited for.....


  1. Left overs and staying out of the way, that's what we're good at.

  2. Miles, why didn't you invite me...? :)

  3. I did invite all of you guys - really honest I did. Well at least I think I did, I may have been a bit distracted

  4. Wow - impressive looking group - and your wife is the best out of all of them. How come my dental assistant is dude!?! Oh, awesome looking chow too! Regards, Dean

  5. I do live in constant fear that my wife will one day realize she can do much better than me....

    All of the attendees are either dentists in training or residents - usually periodontology or oral surgery, as that's what "the boss" teaches.

    These events are a lot of fun to help put on and, lets face it, how many times do middle aged wargamers get to spend time with twenty something females in a social setting?

  6. Why did you stop the same shirt cat fight? Throw in some jelly and you would have some great photos to post.

  7. Not uniquely mate *patting tummy* not by a long shot 8-]


  8. I think Beccas has come up with a great idea. :-D
    Do the female of the species really get annoyed when they are wearing the same top as someone else.??.....wait a wife informs me that the correct phrase should be, "when someone else is wearing the same top as they are".
    Looks like ti was fun

  9. They all have such nice teeth... :o)

    PS. The top on the one on the right fits much better..... :o))))))

  10. Yeah, I'm sure it was a real "chore" to have to help the ladies out and keeping a stiff upper lip to handle the left overs.;-)

