
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Building Sectional Terrain: Part VII, The Hill is Done!

 The hill, which will be a focal point for the Lundy's Lane game is finished.  It's roughly 3 feet by 2 feet and will hold two to three 40 figure battalions along with some artillery so it should be a tough nut to crack.  The first picture shows the side that will be facing the American army.  I have no idea if the hill at the actual battle site had a rock face but mine does!

The second photo shows the side that face the British table edge.  I think I was a bit to heavy handy with the wheel ruts but nobodies perfect.

Next up are some split rail fences and road sections and then I think I'll be ready for the game.


  1. Very nice looking hill, good work on it!

  2. Great work, I really need a hill myself. I have modeled previous ones into the board itself, but that reduces its flexibility. Do you think if I build one 6x3' using your technique it will hold together.


  3. And it surely looks great !
    Very intersting step by step here.

    Thanks a lot for sharing.

  4. Looks great, Miles. The hard work paid off again. Best, Dean

  5. Nice. I particularly like the grey stone outcrop to the front in the first image.


  6. That's a nice piece of work Miles, damn nice.

  7. Just catching up on your past few posts: beautiful work, Miles! I'm very envious of your final product, it looks excellent.

  8. Absolutely fantastic work, Miles!

  9. Thanks for the nice comments.

    John - I think you might get too much sway at each end with a hill section that's 6' long unless you braced with a few strips of 1x2 glued together.

    You might consider making the hill two 3' halves that can either butt up against each other for a long hill or be used as 2 different hills that are positioned on the edge of the table

  10. Thanks Miles. I agree that might be a better idea.


  11. Very nice piece of gaming furniture, chapeau. Also the idea of two half hills is great, I'll try it.
