
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Building Sectional Terrain: Part VI

 While my son was taking his SAT's I got a bit more work in on the sectional terrain project for Fall-In.  First up, the hill received a plaster coat in the form of paper towels soaked in hydrocal plaster.  The roads are pink spackle (don't worry it dries white.

 I also re-did all five terrain boards to cover up the issue I had with the matt medium showing through (please see the last post in this series).  I made sure to wet the board before applying the sealant.

 Here's a close up of the edging....
 ... and a close up of the terrain. I like the way it's coming out.

 The other four board drying.
Another shot of the Hill drying in the sun - see the pink is starting to fade away...

More progress shortly.

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