
Friday, November 28, 2014

Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge V: Maybe I'm going off the Deep End....

I'm about to embark upon a grand social experiment - an empirical test to see if project planning always sucks the fun out of any human endeavor.

Yes, I've gone off and actually set up a painting plan for this year's challenge, including estimated submissions for all the bonus rounds.  It's kind of sad really when I think of it, but we'll see if thinking out past my usual 2 weeks actually results in more productivity.

We've got 15 weeks in this year's challenge and I've prep'd and primed about 70% of the planned submissions.  I've even figured out what I'm doing for each of the 7 Fortnight Challenges (ok the one I'm thinking for for "Hot" is sketchy at best). Curt will be relieved to know that none of my planed submissions involve 1:1 scale work bench furniture.

Periodically, progress will be reported on actual vs expected - usually when the comparison is favorable to yours truly.  I suspect there will be some substitutions along the way and that some of the estimated points I have will vary from Curt's arbitrary and capricious judgements.  How does one score a All Quiet on the Martian Front Land Ironclad, which is over 12 inches long and weighs 5 pounds?  Rather than reveal my estimates, I'll wait to see what the Lord High Commissioner (LHC) deems my unworthy submissions to be worth - sometimes it's just better to accept the judgement of ones social superiors.  At the end of the competition we'll compare estimated vs awarded points, which creates a built in excuse for me to use in case of failure.

All kidding aside, I really do thank Curt for organizing and running this event - it's a lot of fun for me and the other participants but an astonishing amount of work for Curt - thanks for the efforts*

Back to Prepping and Priming.....The primer spray cans fumes man... all the pretty colors.......

* Those readers with suspicious minds might think the second to last paragraph is a blatant attempt to curry favor with LHC Curt to gain better points allocations for judgmental entries.  My only response to that statement is that "I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here"


  1. Best of luck on the Challenge. I have to watch your progress.

  2. Excellent prep and planning. Looking forward to both your progress and the 'All Quiet on the Martian Front" front (?). :-)

  3. Haha, great stuff! Good luck with meeting your projections.

  4. Looking forward to your entries, Miles. I agree with your take on the planning possibly taking the wind out of the sails for projects, but who knows. I enjoy seeing each and everyone of the entries - and to me they're all winners. Enjoy!

  5. That's an interesting side story, will follow with interest


  6. I did exactly the same thing last year, which I found kept me on track with my modest 800 points. It also helped keep me track our side challenge. I was reviewing it the other day actually, a lot of fun to look back on it!

    Looking forward to watching yours leap and spike as well Miles!

  7. I've done the same thing both times I've participated previously and it seems to work for me. That said, my mates also think I shouldn't be allowed out on my own so anything you read into that should be taken with a grain of salt.

    I note that not only are we sitting next to one another on the roster, we've both aimed at a rather high and suspiciously identical total as well. This surely deserves some sort of side challenge? Perhaps a framed copy of our respective spreadsheet delivered to the "winner"? Exactly how we determine what winning is I can't imagine :-)

  8. Mr Mills - your challenge is accepted - perhaps we can get Mr Curt to autograph the winning spreadsheet? Good luck with the event

  9. That's a cracking suggestion and I think a perfect way to "ice the cake" as it were. I'll post the side challenge on Curt's blog right now.

  10. As always, Miles, your strategies are as impressive as your subterfuge is cunning. I have a lot to learn from you in this contest, and I'm glad I've already booked a place for me in the last row (not a bad place to watch, though...) ;-)

  11. Interesting idea with the planning... I'm curious whether it works.
    Anyway I'll support your project and will record my own submissions day by day. Let's see which curve that'll bring out...

