
Sunday, November 23, 2014

Prep for The Analogue Hobbies Challenge Continues

 This weekend was all about figure prep and priming for the upcoming Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge.  Assembly was finished this morning on 38 28mm DAK WW2 Germans and 36 28mm French Napoleonic line infantry (both sets are Perry plastics.  Also in the photo is a TrenchWorx WW1 British tank and a All Quiet on the Martian Front US Mobile Artillery unit.

Check out the new website Curt has pulled together - it's very well done and the prize support for this year's event is superb.  Well done Curt!.

So far I've got just about 1,000 points of my targeted 2,000 points for the challenge assembled and/or primed.

One of the benefits of the challenge is it really does reduce the lead pile, which thus "forcing" me to re-stock (win-win!!!!!).  While planning my contest entries, I realized that I've been neglecting my Napoleonic collection and thus want to get a few French units read to go.  You might see some British Cavalry and maybe even some War of 1812 Indians added to the manifest as the Challenge progresses.

I'm a bit behind figure prep at the moment as I spent the last week in London on business.  Here's a shot out of my office window at One Hammersmith (West side of London).  You can see in the middle left the obligatory picture of a double decker bus.  It looks like I'll be jumping across the pond ever six weeks or so.  While hideously expensive, London is a great city to travel too on business.

Sacrifices have commenced to the calendar gods to help me manage the scheduling so one of those trips occurs so I can go the the fabled Salute show.  It will just be a coincidence that the schedule will work that way - trust me....


  1. Preparation (and the underlying plan of action) is definitely the key to success in the Challenge.

    Think about all the opportunities those trips to London will g

    ive you to save on postage costs for new acquisitions! SALUTE is definitely worth a look is you haven't been before, but I'm saving up for Historicon next year instead!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great work on the preparation front. Not sure if I was looking at a 2,000 point tally I'd be considering 28mm Napoleonics though :-) My hat is off to you, sir. Hopefully you'll get to enjoy London with its Christmas lights - something I always find spectacular. Good luck with the challenge and I'll certainly be regularly dropping by here to help my enthusiasm to push my meagre 500pts along

  4. Looks like you're well prepared for the challenge.

  5. Looks like you're well prepared for the challenge.

  6. You seem really well prepared. Alas... It's less than two weeks until the challenge begins...
