
Thursday, October 29, 2015

Last Sail for 2016

 On Sunday, October 25th, I sailed the Bucentuare across the Chesapeake to Annapolis to put her up for the winter.  It was a grey rainy day with light winds and 50 degree weather.  But a day on the water always beats a day on the land.
 I did get templet with the navtronics on my newly installed B&G system.  The chart can plot the most efficient direction to go based on wind speed / direction and final destination.  I need to enter the specific factors for my boat (hull size/shape and sail configuration but it's a pretty cool tool!

There were lots of freights to dodge!
 Anf here she is, tied up on the floating dock at the boatyard where she'll winter.  The boatyard crew will lift the Bucentuare out of the water with a giant fork lift and place her of stilts to ride out the winter.  After a bit a re-fit she goes back in the water in late March of 2016!
I did spend a little time on the work bench planing the top.  Lots more to do!


  1. Anything in plan for the refit, Miles??

  2. No major additions but I need to repaint the bottom and refinish the teak (which is a bit of a pain to do but looks great when done)

  3. Lovely looking boat. Keel, centre board or skegs?

  4. Pity, but I'm guessing winter sailing isn't much fun. More time for wargaming then?

  5. Pat G: She's a fixed Keel design and draw 4' of water

    Lee: There is a winter racing series here on the Chesapeake called the "Frostbite Races". It's one of those things that sound fun and challenging up until your in your first race. About halfway through you suddenly realize there really isn't anything fun that can be associated with hypothermia!
    Lots more time for painting!

  6. I an unashamedly a fair weather sailor... my preferred clothing for a decent sail is shorts/tshirt and bare feet, any more clothes than that and there is always other potential wargame related options!
