
Saturday, October 24, 2015

Visiting with Royalty while in London

 War-Gaming Blogging royalty that is....
I just got back last night form 5 days in London on business.  The highlight of the trip had nothing to do with business but rather my chance to meet in person Tamsin, Ray and Big Lee - 3 glitterati of the gaming blogger world.

We met for dinner Thursday night and had a wonderful time.  One of the unexpected joys of combining a hobby interest with social networking is it does allow you to both meet and become friends with people who share the same passion but are located in areas that you'd never be aware off without the intersession of the internet.  Maybe there is something to this whole internet thingy?

Sadly, I was was a bit late to dinner due to my underestimating how angry the London traffic gods can become and arrived after dashing the last mile and a half on foot as it was faster than the cab.  That's saying something as I tend to have a bigger issue with "wind resistance" than the average person when trying to move "fast".

Anyway, dinner was great and I really enjoyed getting to know them person and will try to make sure to stay over a weekend on one of my next trips to see if I can worm my way into a game at the legendary Postie's.  I've also decided that I will be attending Salute in 2016 so need to go about adjusting the board meeting calendar for purely "business" reasons.

Many thanks to Tamsin for picking the place and to both Ray and Lee for making the trip all the way into central London.  It was a great pleasure to meet you all.  If any of my blogging friends fins their way to the DC-Baltimore area here in the states please let me know - I'd look forward to meeting you.

Most of the week was focused on one company in particular but at least I got to spend some time in a conference room with a very interesting view of the Royal Academy of Arts.


  1. T'was great to meet you Miles, glad you're coming to Salute, I know you'll love it!

  2. It was lovely to meet you Miles and I'm glad you enjoyed my restaurant pick.

    It will be fab to meet up with you again at Salute - let's hope that we can persuade Il Postino Diablo to lay on a game for the day after :)

  3. Glad you enjoyed some rather jolly nice people.

  4. Glad you enjoyed the meal and as Ray said it was great to meet you. It's good to hear you plan on making it to Salute next year. I think you'll enjoy it.

  5. Brilliant!

    I'm also looking forward to meeting some Wargaming Royalty of my own at Fall-In :-)

  6. Glitterati indeed! That is a great pic of the trio! I'm so jealous as it sounded like a wonderful time (especially the part where Miles picked up the tab).
