
Monday, February 29, 2016

USS Wasp in 28mm Scale

 My submission for the Nautical-themed bonus round is a 28mm scale (1/56th) version of the USS Wasp.  It's a pretty big model and weighs in at 6 pounds and is 37 inches long and 29 high.  This will become the centerpiece of a planned game at next July's Historicon.
  A closer shot of the main deck - theres always a trade-off with a high level of detail (with breakable detail parts) and playability.  One clear compromise is the rigging - I left very wide gaps between the masts to facilitate moving figures around the deck.  It's no fun to be trying to repel boarders and getting all tangle up in the rigging.
 Looking down the bow
 A shot of the starboard side
 I've made several nameplates, which attach with double sided tape - the Wasp, the Peacock and "Seis Grandes" in honor of the sixth AHPC
 All of the flags were made by me using powerpoint.

 This project ended up being a lot more involved than I thought - I'll be posting several "how-to's" post on the building process over the next few days.  I'm also trying to build a the HMS Frolic (18 gun British Brig) but am not sure I can get that done by Historicon this July.


  1. Miles - you have truly outdone yourself this time. That is one beast of a ship to have built, modified and painted up :)

  2. Sorry, I was picking my jaw up off the floor! Clearly looks as though you'll be winning another award this year! What rules are we going to be using this year?

  3. Is that a lazerdream works boat? You have done a stunning job on it!

  4. "Pretty big"!

    Quite a ship, and it looks lovely as well.

  5. Wow, stunning work, Miles. It's like seeing something in a nautical museum.

  6. Quite a remarkable piece there Miles, Bravo Zulu.

    I have a mate coming over to the US for Historicon. I'll get him to come say Hi

  7. When I saw the headline, I thought for a second you were referring to the ultra modern Wasp carriers. But I have to say... while that would have been larger, I think this is far more impressive than that would have been. Great work!

  8. The barky looks very fine indeed. The Dear Surpise would be very happy to lead her into Halifax with the Union Jack over her Yankee colours!
