
Sunday, February 28, 2016

AHPC6: Napoleon Command Stand and a Nautical hint.....

What Napoleonic collection is completed with the man himself?  None, in my opinion.  So I've rectified that situation using the Napoleon command scene from the Perry Brothers (in 28mm scale)
 This was a fun little vignette to knock out for the L'amour bonus round.  I may have stretched the definition a bit with my "no one loved campaigning more than Mr Bonaparte " but there you have it.
 I've had these figure sitting around for ages and was happy to finally get them completed.
The theme of the next bonus round (which is post today over at the Analogue Hobbies Challenge page) is "Nautical" - here's a hint of what I might be submitting.  The hand plane is one of my favorite tools in the workshop.


  1. Great work on the Perry Emperor set. Looking forward to seeing your woodworking!

  2. Noce work Miles. The Nautical model looks rather large!!

  3. Noce work Miles. The Nautical model looks rather large!!
