
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Yet More FOW Stuff

 Some more 15mm FOW stuff for the Challenge in the form of Japanese artillery and germane Panzer III's

 The artillery marks the start of my new Japanese force for the Pacific war themed books that are coming out.  I've got a bunch of Command Decision Japanese infantry that match up well with the Battlefront artillery crewman so don't have to wait on Battlefronts rather slow supply chain.
 The guns and crew were done as a test set on uniform colors and I like how they came out.
 Next up is a platoon of Panzer III's for the Italian campaign.  These poor lads had been sitting primed in a drawer for multiple years so I thought it was time to finally paint them up.

 The miniatures are from Battlefront and where very easy to paint up.
Next up will be a company of Japanese infantry and some anti-tank teams...

Did I mention that I was excited about the new pacific books?


  1. I must admit that I'm looking forward to doing some battle in North Africa where a Pz III is a thing to be feared (and rightly so in relative terms at the time)

  2. Nice late Pz III's. And a good show of Japanese artillery! There's something you don't see every day.
