
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

An Interesting Weekend on the Maryland Eastern Shore

 The eastern Shore of Maryland is wonderful place to live and there's no better time than the fall.  On Saturday, my wife and I went to the farmers market and then stopped in on the monthly "soup-sale" at a local church.  Homemade soups from different cultures, sold in a Church and packaged in an box for ammunition.  If that doesn't scream 'Murica, nothing does.
 Mmmm - Venison chili....  I got different types of chili and a large Italian Wedding soup.  The Chili didn't last the afternoon as there was college football that needed watching.

My apologies to my British friends as the prevailing winds were blowing towards the East.

 Later in the afternoon we were treated to a flyover from Robert, our local crop dusting guy.  It's hard to tell from his pictures but he was wagging his wings as he flew over.

We also have a new housemate - this large spider was a web right outside our dinning room window.  I'm not sure the type but he's big - about 1.5 inches across.

As long as he stays outside we'll be the best of neighbors.
On sunday night we had dinner at Ava's Pizza and wine bar and got the Eastern Shore Beignets - mmmmm


  1. I think my family and I need to move to the USA.

  2. Solo: I'd wait to see who might be the next President before buying any property in US....

    If you do come - look at the Eastern Shore. The original Native American name for the region translates into "The Land of Pleasant Living"

    Venison chili is really, really good!
