
Sunday, October 9, 2016

Rainy Weekend

 This weekend was very rainy so that means means some quality painting time.  I finished up my GuildBall Hunters team.  I went with an article them for the team as it "felt" right and I've always wanted to try snow basing.

 OK - when I saw the bear model it just screamed "Polar Bear!" to me and thats what really drive the decision to go with the article theme.

 I think the figures came out nicely

 I also made a fire pyre out of twigs from the yard and scrap polystyrene (pink insulation foam).

Not very impressive at a first glance but....
 It lights up!

I stuck a battery powered tea light in the center and it looks pretty cool.   The light actually flickers which adds the effect.

 It was a pretty simple project -

(1) cut the poly styrene in a ring with the teak light in the center

(2) Bevel the sides

(3) paint black and then dry brush dark great

(4) Hot glue the twigs along the beveled sides (leaving enough gaps for the light to shine out

(5) Run in some soot from the fire place and the lightly seal.

I bought 24 of the tea lights on Amazon for $12.00, so expect to see several more "lighted" terrain projects.

While I'm sad to see the summer go, I am looking forward to prime painting season and the return (hopefully) on this years Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge.