
Monday, January 16, 2017

AHPC VII: Week 4 & Future Hints

 So we're now 1/3 complete with this year's challenge.  Points wise I'm right on track with last year.  My attention will be turning to the bonus rounds.

My current tally is 1,460 points.  I may need to bump up my target of 2,000 a bit.
 At the end of each month of the Challenge I clean up my work bench - this hobby does generate a lot of mess.  You can see a hint of what my "East" bonus round is.
 As for the home terrain round - all I can say is that it involves a minor bit of carpentry.  Measure twice, cut once.

Hmmm, I wonder what I could be making that was a width of 15 inches?
An exciting shote of clamps in action - spine tingling, isn't it?

Like Wargame Miniatures, one can never have too many clamps in a workshop.

What am I building?

1 comment:

  1. Nice woodworks and even lovelier graphs my friend! They have even influence how I do my own blog posts so have a well satisfied smile at the contagious power of the almighty spreadsheet!

    Looks like you are well positioned for your upcoming trip away - which will let the rest of us catch up (a little)!
