
Sunday, January 22, 2017

Mummies, Afghans, LRDG, Big Monsters - More Challenge entries

Another big photo dump from the Challenge

Some dungeon baddies
The mummies are Reaper Bones figures and I really can't recommend them - way to bendy
Modern Afghans from Empress Miniatures - superb figures

LRDG vehicles from Perry

Dungeon monters - these are reaper figures also but much more fun to paint.  The Bones material works very well with larger figures.
Frostgrave Demons

Action shot - you might see something like this as Historicon 2017


  1. You are a productive machine of aren't aren't you Miles! And to think that I was happy with a pair of jeeps last week - you just pulled out 5 of the buggers, nice job! Safe travels mate

  2. Fantastic (literally some of it) stuff. Those LRDG jeeps are brilliant!

  3. Quite an impressive variety of very nice minis. Cheers!
