
Wednesday, February 27, 2019

AHPC IX: Western Themed Buildings

Continuing the real estate-theme of this portion of the Challenge - I now present 8 28mm Western themed buildings.  All of these kits are from Sarissa Precision and are very nice.  There are six Mexican themed buildings (I got the Mexican village pack) and two more general purpose - a large barn and a foundry.
A close up of four of the Mexican themed buildings 2 houses in the back, a small jail (front left) and a catina (front, right).

The jail even has 3 cells!  It's just screaming for a jail break game
The village has a rather large bank.  - too be honest it's a lot larger than the other buildings so will look a little out of place but it's still a nice kit.

A small adobe church
The two more generic buildings are the large barn and a foundry.  I still need to do some detailing on these buildings but I suspect you'll see them at Cold Wars in a American Civil War setting.

There are a "few" more real estate projects for this years Challenge

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