
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Quatre Bras In Reverse

 Last night at the club we had the second tabletop engagement of our Waterloo campaign.  It was fought just to the west of Quatre Bras and was essentially that battle in reverse.  For the French we had four formations on the table - III Corps, VI Corps plus the Guard Cavalry division commanded by me and then Napoleon himself with the Imperial Guard.  A powerful force, indeed, but we didn't know who was attacking us.  We're in the lower left corner of the picture.

Some of the units are hidden, hence the paper flag markers.
 We soon discovered that we were being attacked by not two but three allied forces with lots of calvary!  In fact there were even more allied reinforcements entering the table to the north and and east.

It was decided that discretion was the better part of valor and we attempted to retreat to the west and south (lower right corner).
Our retreat was successful, but not without cost - a lone brigade of Young Guard sacrificed themselves to cover the retreat - you can see their valiant final stand against a mass of British cavalry - there was a lot of British Cav on the table.

The campaign is very still very much in doubt and we shall see what comes next.

For the "official" record, I'm Grouchy during this little outing.  Thanks to Tom for putting on this grand show!

We're using the Blucher ruleset for both the battles and campaign and it's working out very well so far.


  1. Nice sounding engagement, Miles. Looking forward to how the rest of the campaign folds out.
