
Thursday, September 5, 2019

WIP: WW1 French Corps Expeditionnaire d'Orient in 6mm

A really messy "work-in-progress" shot of some Baccus WW1 French I'm working on for a club mate.  These are being painted up to be 2 divisions of the French forces used in the initial landings at Gallipoli.  The basing is at the Battalion level.

It's an interesting force with a mix of troops in French blue and a range of colonial and Senegalese troops.

I am not the most skilled painter in 6mm so am trying to make the basing look good - see the "barbed wire" to distract people from my really awful paint job.

I suspect Peter Baccus will see some additional orders from me for his WW1 line


  1. Painting 6 mil is more forgiving than most people think. Since I moved predominantly to this scale I haven't looked back.

  2. Nice job on the 6mms. The LittleWars videos got me into 6's and now I have an ACW corps and Romans which need basing. Fun stuff.

    A bit off topic, but it seemed that the 'Fire As She Bears' rules in the recent video heavily favored the British, perhaps over-much. Without breaking any NDA with them, can you offer an assessment of the rules and if they are balanced?

    Also, do you have a preferred set of Western gunfight rules?

    Thanks much and enjoy your webpage.

    - Doug in DC

  3. Doug:
    We have a full review of FASB coming out in a week or two that will address your questions. To be direct, the ship stats heavily favor the British (in my Francophile opinion) but the rule mechanics are the best age of sail I’ve played. Ship stats can be adjusted and given the consistent British success against the French may be warranted.

    I really like gunfighters ball for Wild West stuff but they are the only rules I’ve played.

  4. M -
    Thanks for the quick reply. You've confirmed my impression of FASB being heavily pro-British, and I don't think you are being subjective or parochial in your assessment. A taped rematch under more balanced circumstances is in order.

    Had the opportunity to meet Steve, Tony, Chal and Greg at Historicon. Nice guys all. Sorry I missed meeting you, but you were neck-deep in running your event.

    Looking forward to the next LWTV video release. Please also keep us posted on what you are producing with the new 3d printer, especially if you do anything with 2mm to 3mm figures or unit blocks.

