
Monday, September 9, 2019

WW1 French Corps Expeditionnaire d'Orient in 6mm: Done

 My contribution to the clubs upcoming Gallipoli game is complete - well I still need to seal the bases but I like to let the glue dry a few days before doing so.  I present to you the French Corps Expeditionnaire d'Orient in 6mm scale.  The figures are from Baccus.
1st division: 8 battalions of infantry, one artillery and one HQ unit.
2nd Divisions also of 8 battalions of infantry, one artillery and one HQ unit.  There's also a corps HQ/Supply Depot.

All the stuff behind the divisions is "extras" that came with the French Division set I purchased from Perter at Baccus.

This is the first time I've painted up 6mm figures in a long time.  How long - maybe all the way back to 2012.

I had forgotten how freeing painting 6mm minis are - there isn't a lot of detail that I can paint so rather than focus on individual minis one focus on the entire basing to convey the setting and time period.  It was a lot of fun.  I suspect you'll see some more 6mm in the future.


  1. Great looking minis, what rules are you guys using?

  2. Six mil rocks! ...mind you I would say that. These look excellent, looking forward to seeing game.
