
Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Quatre Bras Using General D'Armee


Last night at the club, we re-fought the Battle of Quatre Bras using my 15mm Naps and the General D'Armee ruleset.  I was the GM with Steve and Josh playing the French and Tom, Greg and Ed commanding the allied forces.

I used the scenario for the excellent 100 Days General D'Armee scenario PDF which you can get from TooFatLardies.  The scenario started with 7 French Brigades on the board against 2 Dutch brigades of questionable quality.  The allies will receive a brigade or two per turn.  The French have a heavy Cavalry Brigade coming on mid game and by then the sides will be "evenish" with a troop quality advantage to the French.

The French attack got off to a slow start given some bad luck with ADC rolls and a good number of resulting Hesitant Brigades.

Finally the French made contact Bylandt's Brigade - one of Bylant's battalions managed to form a square and the other, well, didn't.  Lancers and Infantry don't mix well.
On the other side of the table Steve's French finally started moving and began enveloping the Dutch - to their rear there are two British Brigades coming on the table and none-too-soon.

We got to turn 8 of 18 last night and will continue the game next week.

This will be a hard one for the Allies to pull off.


  1. Beautiful pictures of a great looking game. Very envious of the fact you are able to have some games as a group. We are in 'lockdown 2.0' and face to face wargaming seems like a distant memory.

    I still can't get over the fact that your club has a bar in it. How do you manage to keep focused? I'm pretty sure if The Rejects had a bar in the shed-o-war we'd never finish a single game!

  2. Thanks Lee, I think we're heading for some county and state level lockdowns here. My lovely, yet fierce, wife is likely going to put some restrictions on my going to the club in the near future - that whole "well I am a Doctor thing" pretty much checkmates my arguments to continue. Both of us are very lucky to have found our way into great gaming groups - me with Army Group York and you with the Rejects. I can honestly say my "greatest gaming accomplishment" is getting my "Honorary Reject" trophy figure and playing that Crimean War game with all of you chaps.
