
Thursday, November 5, 2020

Stalingrad Project: Practical Issues


Scenery progress is a little over the halfway point.  One of two 6x4 boards is pretty much done and most of the iconic buildings for the second have been scratch built.  The needed miniatures are also in process and I’m getting some help there from some club members which is greatly appreciated.  

The term “done” is a bit misleading as I’ll keep tweaking with the terrain.  I “may” have found a source of images of a newspaper from Stalingrad dated August, 1942 that I can shrink down to add to the rubble look.  They will be illegible at 15mm scale but still period appropriate.  I’ll pause here while you all roll your eyes......

Finished?, great lest move on.

Terrain making has been paused as I need a break and want to test some rules - I might even publish a set of rules for city fighting.  Sadly, the later point is likely more an act of personal ego inflation than actual contribution to the hobby.

There is one practical issue to work out - how do I organize all this stuff for both storage and transport up to the club or a convention.  The full table is 30 x18 hexes and each hex will labeled on the bottom by row letter and column number (01A all the way to 30Q) so that will aid in setting up but still its 540 hexes.

I need to source or build some containers to hold all this stuff.  Weight really isn’t and issue given the materials I’m using and hexes can be oriented to reduce wasted space in a container.  The total volume of the entire table setup is roughly 20 cubic feet, with the mini’s adding maybe another 5 cubic feet..  All of that will fit in my vehicle and likely may be a lot easier to transport than most of my convention games.

I’m leaning toward just buying some bog standard plastic bins but am intrigued by concept of how cool it would be to rock up to Historicon with all this stuff packed up into replica Soviet ammo and rifle crates.  The mere fact that I could even conceive of such a thing as “cool” proves this blog is aptly named.


  1. " cool it would be to rock up to Historicon with all this stuff packed up into replica Soviet ammo and rifle crates."
    Do eet!:)

  2. Terrain/period-appropriate storage boxes... I can't think of anything cooler. Its details like that (and the illegible newspapers) that confirm you are my kind of nerd!
