
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Bucentaure Completed

The flagship for my growing French fleet, the Bucentaure, has just been completed.  Again completed is a relative term, as I need both add to and tighten the rigging, but she's ready for the table.  The Bucentaure is an 80 gun ship of the line and was the flagship for the French at Trafalgar.

 I hope to command her to a better fate against those Brits than Villenueve did!  I'm very happy with how the model came out and look forward to getting some table top time with these ships in the near future.  By the end of May, my fleet should consist of 25 completed 1/1200 Langtons and I'll be well on my way to my long term goal of re-fighting Trafalgar with models of all the ships present (60 ships-of-the-line and 13 Frigates)!

I do apologize for the background clutter (robotics is still in clean up and organization mode).  I may try to build a small photo booth to help improve the picture quality - any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


  1. Nice ship, I can't bring myself to rig mine... Well, to be honest I don't have any good material to work with too.
    If You want cheap and very good photo shadeless booth, check my post here
    There is a short description of mine inside with some photos.
    Price - free, time to complete - 10 minutes.

  2. Very nice and well done!! I really like the look of sailing ships like this one...I´m just way to lazy to get to grips with one.

  3. The ship is beautifully done; looking at the water from the aerial view, I got the impression of the high seas and feared falling into it. Regards, Dean

  4. Thanks for the nice comments. The Langton's are really fun models. Well mostly fun, the rigging can be a challenge and it's something that can't be forced - I'm either in the right mood or not.

    I just finished painting two 44 gun French Frigates and am letting them dry. The next steps will be the weathering, dull coating, rigging and flags.

    I should get them done by next weekend and then I need to shift into high gear building out some opponents for my Romans as I'll be GM'ng a demo game of "Hail Caesar" at Historicon in July. Yikes!

  5. Really nice! I've thought about doing something like this, but just too many projects already.


  6. She's a beauty! Time to open a bottle of champers at her launch!

