
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Robotics World Championships

 The FIRST Robotics worlds championship was last week and my son's team performed very well.  They scored 4 wins and 3 losses in the qualifying rounds but were knocked out just prior to the semi-finals.  All-in-all a great showing and I'm very proud of the team.  The first picture is a team photo in our "pit area" where the robot is prep'd before competitions.

 The next photo is of my drive team queuing up for a match with the three other teams (2 on each side).  The championship was held in the Robert Jones stadium (where the NFL Ram play) in St Louis.  The drive team is wearing our black jerseys with our team number "3113".

 Here's a picture of some frantic last minute repairs before another match.  As you would expect the competition was very fierce and our robot sustained a good bit of damage.  Of course it dished out the same
Lastly a long range shot taken by my wife that show the team on the field just prior to a match starting.  It has been a blast coaching this team team and I am very proud of both my son, Sean, and all the boys.  This was our first world championship and the scouts acquitted themselves well.  Our final ranking for the year will be 11th out of the over 1,600 teams that compete in the FTC competition.  Not bad for a bunch of Boy Scouts who are just starting out with Robotics!


  1. That's really good, congratulations.

  2. Fantastic result, 11th in the world is an amazing outcome. I'm sure you are the boys are thrilled and very proud.

    Are you a scout leader or was your participation as an adult helper? BP would be proud of the the boys!

  3. Well Done Miles!

    I know th effort you put into this and you are justifiably proud.

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