
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Perry British WW2 Infantry Almost Complete

The basic painting is finished for the first 30 Perry plastic British 8th Army infantry.  These troops will be part of a force I'm building for WW2 skirmish gaming.  The current ruleset of choice is Bolt Action which gives a great game and a good feel for the period.

 First up is a 12 man squad of SAS guys - the Perry set has extra heads for the SAS so a little surgery and you're good to go.  I'll likely field these guys in smaller sections for Bolt Action.
 The second 12 man squad is regular British infantry.

 A Bren Carrier - this is the first of three that come in the Bren Carrier Platoon deal from the Perry's - it's a one piece resin model that was a lot of fun to paint.

 Another view - it needs some decals doesn't it?
The Perry box comes with 38 figures and here are the last eight on the painting table.  These should get done in the next week or so.


  1. Very nice, great loking Bren Carrier...

  2. good stuff Miles, I was toying with doing SAS a few months ago but talked myself out of it.
    Peace James

  3. The Brits seem to be getting a lot of WWII love at the moment. These look great


  4. Great work, Miles! The latest edition of Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy magazine had a good article on this very nice range - very good all round ;)

  5. They look great, Miles. Love the varied headgear. Reminds me of Rat Patrol! Best, Dean
