
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Whole Lotta Maus

 As you know, I'm a big fan of the new Blitzkrieg line of 28mm armored vehicle models.  Architects of War just got a huge shipment in and I rushed over to see what's new.  Included in this batch is a limited number of 1/56th scale models of the German Maus "super-tank".  It's huge!  The first picture shows it next to a 28mm Warlord german halftrack.

The model is just about seven inches long and it's looks to be both entirely impractical and a must have model.  I managed to resist the temptation this time but I'm not sure how long I can hold out....

I wonder what the Bolt Action stats would be for a Maus??????


  1. Wow. That is huge. Thanks for including the half track in the picture. That puts it in perspective.

  2. Thats nuts, I have 2 in 1/72 (yes I know , why 2?) and they are big.

    must be huge!!!

    Very cool though, perfect for a late war German munitions factory skirmish.

  3. Funny you should post this. I'm getting back into WWII and I'd like to introduce it at my FLGS. What rules would you recommend? Disposable Heroes? Bolt Action? Anything else?

  4. I have this in cardboard and have yet to pull the counter and use in a game :-(


  5. A great mouse! It would be fantastic to see it on a game table.
