
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Longstreet Test Game

 After my terrain building binge, I decided it was time to set up my ACW stuff for some test games using the new Longstreet rules.  It also provides a nice opportunity to try out all the new terrain that was recently completed.  This test is less of a game and more of a "lab" to walkthrough and understand the rule mechanics.

 The forces are even - both the Union and CSA have 10 regiments of infantry, 1 cavalry and 2 artillery batteries of 2 guns each.  Here's a shot of the Union right wing defending a church and its really long stone wall.  It's actually two of the stone wall sets from AofW.

 Yet more stone wall and the large hill I made for last years Lundys Lane game (War of 1812) at Fall In.

 A view from the CSA side

 Over the top, boys!
 The LA Tigers

 Wow, that's a lot of open ground to cover....
 Contractual pig sty shot - this is one of my favorite terrain pieces from Architects of War.

 The confederate batteries on the hill.
The Union line
 Another shot down the left wing of the Union army
A shot of the recently completed hedges from Architects of War.
Another shot of the 45 degree section.

Over the next week or so, I plan to test out the Longstreet rules with various small unit actions to get a better feel for the game.


  1. "Over the next week or so, I plan to test out the Longstreet rules with various small unit actions to get a better feel for the game."

    Please post the results - very interested to find out more about the mechanics...

  2. First class set up, Miles. The terrain and figures are museum quality. Best, Dean

  3. Gorgeous to look at! I've got Longstreet but I have to do some painting before I can play it. I'm interested to see what you think.

  4. This battlefield is looking so nice!! Great picures...

  5. Great looking table, some great work on the new terrain. Look forward to reading some batreps
    Peace James

  6. Great pig sty. I can see why it is one of your favorites. Well done.

  7. Yes a great table. I'm experimentign with Longstreet, will follow your posts with interest!

  8. Thanks for the kind comments. I've been very impressed with both the simplicity and gameplay of Longstreet. A more detailed assessment will be forthcoming.

  9. My group has been playing LS for awhile and having a blast using the campaign rules. Hope you like 'em.

  10. Great looking table setup, Miles. I look forward to hearing what you think of 'Longstreet'.

  11. Excellent pictures and battle report! Thanks for sharing!

