
Monday, December 29, 2014

Tunisian Tiger

 My growing 28mm DAK army has been reinforced with a Tiger tank.  The model is from Rubicon and is part of their rapidly expanding plastics line.  It was a joy to both put together and paint and I'd rate it a 10 out of 10.  Rubicon has become one of my favorite sources for ww2 vehicles.  Trenchworx is still my favorite due to their superb quality but rubicon isn't that far behind.

 The crew figures are Perry metals and are very nice - I still have 4 left for other vehicles.

 I added a dry brush of stone grey as a last step and like the results.
 This model was entered as part of the second fortnight challenge - "Riders and Mounts" in the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge


  1. Very nice Big Cat Miles - really like it. Thanks for the feedback on Rubicon too, I'll keep that in mind. Certainly an affordable option.

    I still have a plan to buy one of those Trenchworks Rolls Royce Armoured Cars though :-)

  2. Wow. Just wow. I don't know which impresses me more. The superb quality of your painting or the sheer volume you seem to be able to churn out. You must be a veritable painting machine my good sir :-)
