
Thursday, January 1, 2015

2014 What Was and 2015 What Will Be...

 Well it's time for the obligatory retrospective on how I did vs my hobby goals.  The big news hobby wise isn't related to gaming but sailing as in late July my new sailboat, "Bucentaure" was delivered and I spent most of August through October on the water learning how to sail her.  But this isn't a sailing blog so onto the miniature hobby aspects.

From a real life perspective 2014 was an eventful year and generally very positive - It was a good year investment wise (which is what I do) and my wife and I continue to adapt to being empty nesters.  I did manage to take a week long sailing course at "J-World" in Annapolis which was a blast.

Sean continues to enjoy school and seems to becoming more interested in software engineering and drone technology (quad copters).  In fact he's be teaching a student lead course on quad copter design during the Spring Semester of 2015 at CMU.

In terms of total productivity - 2014 saw a more balanced level of production with a rekindling of my interest in Flames of War and starting up  15mm projects for both By Fire and Sword and All Quiet on the Martian Front:

                                        2014      2013
Infantry                           240         411
Cavalry                             17             2
Artillery                              6           12
Vehicles                            17             7

Infantry                             274          0
Cavalry                                27         0
Artillery                               13         0
Vehicles                               64         0

1/1200 Sailing Ships             7         0
1/600 Ironclads                      8        0
1/6000 ww2 Ships                44       0

 One of the bigger hobby events for me is the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge.  Doubtless you've seen my posts about last years fourth challenge and this years 5th (which is ongoing) but it has become my main painting "production" event - the photo to the left show what I got done during last years Challenge.

 One of the focal points of my hobby gaming experience are the 3 HMGS conventions.  During the Summer at Historicon my friend Mike M and I hosted two civil war themed games that featured two 28mm scaled ironclads (Mikes's in the picture on the far left).  The games went well...

 So well that we won one of the roving awards from the HMGS crowd which was both unexpected and very much appreciated.  Of course that just ups the ante for next year - no I'm really not a competitive type of person at all...

Ok, Ok enough rambling - how did actual 2014 compare to my hobby goals?  I did OK -

(1) Attend all 3 HMGS Cons  PASS
I made it to all 3 and enjoyed them all, although the Host (where Cold Wars and Fall In are held is an awful place)

(2) Host a Game at Historicon PASS
Mike and I hosted two!

(3) Play in a FOW Tournament PASS
In fact I played in 3 and never came in last.  2014 saw a return of my interest in the game and I really enjoyed the tournament aspect.  In fact most of the games I played where at tournaments either for FOW of Bolt Action - I think I played in 24 tournament themed games and even managed to win the Fall-In Bolt Action tournament.  I was extremely disappointed that no groupies showed up after the Fall-In win - strange that.

(4) Finish 2 Armies for All Quiet on the Martian Front PASS
I did finish two basic armies and even a Land Ironclad but still have a lot to paint up form the kickstarter

(5) Finish the Game Room Remodel PUSH
Some progress in terms of getting some military art and had the card table refinished.  Sadly, I hosted no games in 2014!

(6) Place in the Top 5 of the Analogue Hobbies Challenge FAIL
This was a tough one - I came in 9th or 10th but just couldn't keep pace.

(7) Start Only 1 New Army in 2014 FAIL!, FAIL!, EPIC FAIL!
What was I thinking?

Overall 4 Passes, 1 Push and 2 Fails (one was epic) - I'd give myself a B+ grade wise

So what are the goals for 2015?

(1) Attend three Con's but not all HMGS ones
I do enjoy gaming conventions but the HMGS ones are becoming a bit stale so I'd like to try another one furring 2015.  Don't get me wrong, aside from the Host, all three HMGS cons are a lot of fun, I just need a change of pace

(2) Host 2 games at Historicon

(3) Play in 6 tournaments during the course of 2015
      - Field a new army for the Bolt Action tournament (it's time to retire the Japanese)

(4) Finish my sectional terrain project
Started with high hopes and bold statements in July 2014 - never touched since August.

(5) Host a Naval Play by Blog game.  I've been having a lot of fun with Clint's Napoleonic Naval blog game and want to try hosting one - details to follow.

(6) Finish in the top 5 of the 5th Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge
Maybe this is the year!

(7) Only add armies that I have storage for
My lovely yet fierce wife has laid down "THE LAW" and I can only add armies if I can store them properly.  Apparently, piles of stuff along the walls of the man cave is deemed to be slovenly by the norms of society - my only option is to conform as there appears to be no reasoning with my wife.  Now she thinks she's being clever because she's also banned me from purchasing new storage as my IKEA wall units are full.  My legal team has spotted a loop hole in her edict and  I've been reconfiguring the storage under my game table using leftover 1x2's and some quarter round molding from my scrap lumber pile:

 A quick shelf frame - put together in a few hours....
Slides under the table and can hold a hole bunch-o-stuff.  The frame slides out and has tie down straps to helps with transporting mini's to convention game.

I'll put up a post a bit later on how the unit was built.

Well there you have it - a good 2014 and a slightly ambitious 2015 -lets see how the year unfolds....


  1. Wishing you a productive and enjoyable 2015 Miles :)

  2. Sounds like a very successful year, lets hope 2015 is equally as successful!

  3. I don't think your fils were indeed such, perhaps just overly ambitious. Plus you can't neglect Bucentaure just to be able to write PASS somewhere. Looks like a nightly successful year to me and another to follow.

    I'll be posting my 2015 plan soon but one of the biggies is to catch up with you at Historicon...

    Happy New Year Miles!

  4. Love that storage solution! Look forward to hanging out again soon!

  5. PS- I didn't acknowledge any of your goals or resolutions, because that would require examining my own... that is an exercise I am not willing to torture myself with just yet.

  6. Ha! Don't hide from the truth Steve - I'm sure your only goal was to master the LOTR living card game!
