
Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

To me one of the signs of a truly successful Thanksgiving meal is a kitchen left in a shambles.  This picture of last years kitchen is a testament to a wonderful meal.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and one that is very special (and rather messy) for my family. I hope it is the same for you and yours.

Here's wishing to all of you truly messy kitchens and the wonderful family event that comes along with the chaos.


  1. Based on your photo and judging criteria, last year's Thanksgiving was a success!

  2. We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving over here, but I‘m looking forward to Christmas eve when there’s the sam chaos in our kitchen.
    A happy Thanksgiving to you.

  3. Thanks, Miles! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday too. I'm packing up to head south to my parent's home right now for a lunch that will stretch into snacks during the afternoon football games to leftovers for dinner!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Miles! Having our share of traditional meals last weekend (Saturday & Sunday), we've opted for seafood today - shrimp tempura and King Crab legs. :)

  5. Have Happy Thanksgiving. As for the dishes and clean maybe you can flip a coin to see who does them ;)

  6. I have been very fortunate to have been married to my lovely wife for 30 years and hoping for another 30 more at least.

    There has been one constant and sacrosanct rule that has been the key to our happiness - she cooks / I clean. It's worked so far so I aint changing!

    Have a great holiday

  7. Happy Thanksgiving Miles. Congrats on your domestic arrangements, a agree that a messy kitchen is a good sign!
    Cheers, Peter

  8. And a very happy Thanksgiving to you as well.

  9. Happy Thanksgiving!! We don't have it over here (yet) but to be fair my kitchen often looks like that!!!

  10. We love a good messy kitchen too although in our house I do the big event cooking. Hope you and yours had a great day mate.
