
Friday, November 24, 2017

RIP Oliver the Cat 2005 - 2017

 Oliver, our family cat-overlord, slipped the mortal coil this morning and has left us.  He was ornery but good companion who seemed to tolerate living with us.

Oliver was a true hunter and would often stalk my son and attack from behind corners and such.  The size disparity never really seems to bother him.  Oliver wasn't really cuddly cat but could be fun - but only on his terms.

He will be missed.


  1. Sorry, Miles... I had to put one of my little pirates to rest earlier this year. I still have two, but it was strange around the house for a while because he followed me around like a puppy.

  2. He was a fine happy looking cat..Sad News.

  3. Hope he left peacefully...12 good years with you all.

  4. Sorry for your lost of cat. You had 12 great years that you will never forget.

  5. "only on his terms" is the sign of a true cat. Sorry to hear you've lost your quadruped lord and master mate.

  6. Sorry to hear that, Miles. Our animal companions have a way of worming their way deep into our hearts.

  7. Sorry to hear of your loss mate. I find that my furry companions are my most frequent companions in the Man Cave

  8. It was two years ago that I lost my cat who was 23. I feel you pain and you have my sympathy.

  9. Thanks for the very kind comments. I tell myself I'm not a cat person but I always seem to grow attached to the little buggers that find their way into out house. Perhaps I find their aloofness as an endearing quality
