
Sunday, August 12, 2018

15mm Napoleonics - Basing Has Commenced!

 I've acquired some painted 15mm Napoleonics from two sources - unbased from Gajo Games and a good number of painted and based miniatures from EBAY.

I've been very impressed with the units purchased off EBAY from Chinese sources.  The painting and basing are of high quality and match what I planned to use going forward.  So far I've purchased 8 Infantry and 2 cavalry units for my Spanish army and then 2 British and 2 French Infantry units plus 1 Austrian.  The pricing works out well too.  Remember, you can bid lower than the asking price.  I'll post some more detailed pictures of each army in a week or so.

 I also ordered some French and British from Gajo Games.  They have an extensive line of painted 15mm Napoleonics.

A word on Gajo's service - it's superb.  Ordering from Chris is really easy and he sent me some updated picture of some of the french to make sure I was ok with the colors (I was).  Shipping was REALLY fast like 2-3 days from order placement to receipt.

I'm using my standard 15mm basing technique which consists of spreading a thin layer of Vallejo pumice stone and then positioning the minis.  Once dry the pumice stone really holds the mini's in place like glue and gives the base a nice texture.  After drying I still add a drop of super glue to each mini and then will paint and flock the bases.  Easy Peasy and really sturdy.

I've learned to buy cheap aluminum cake pans the doing basing work - it's keeps everything tidy and makes it easier to gather up flock that didn't stick.

I'm going with a basing standard that will work with all of the rulesets I'm considering.  The standard is:

Infantry - 4 figures on a 20mm wide x 25mm long base

Skimishers - 2 figures on a 25mm wide x 15mm deep base

Screens - 1 Infantry figure on a 25mm wide x 15mm deep base

Cavalry - 2 figures on a 25x25mm square base

Artillery - 1 gun / 4 crew on a 30mm x 40mm base

Limbers - 30 x 40mm for Line Artillery and 30x60mm for Horse Artillery

Some proof that I'll actually be painting some of the figures - in this case a 24 figure unit of British Marines from Thoroughbred Figures's Sea Eagles Line.

I've also just received my order from Old Glory for some Limbers to test out and plan on picking up some AB figures from Eureka USA at Fall In. I'll need a lot of limbers!

Once I finish up the Peninsular Campaign Armies, it will be onto to either Austrians or Russians.  I'm thinking Austrians.

Its good to be able to spend a little time at the workbench.


  1. Very nice start on your Napoleonic armies, Miles!

  2. A good way to start things off.

    Just a quick note of caution on the Chinese painted figures - some of them use pirated figures.

  3. Nice start indeed. I also like the standard basing scheme for use with multiple rule sets.

  4. Looks like you're going to be busy!

  5. Nice to see your up to basing and looking at painting.
    Best Iain

  6. Miles,
    I have a pile of Austrians you can have. Old Glory still in the bag. Plus the Battle front that are about 18mm.

  7. Forgot they are free. Just pay the postage.

  8. Going large on what looks like a nice new project 😀

  9. Gary - I sent you an email - thanks for the very kind offer. In addition to paying postage, I'd like to offer something else - perhaps a trade of minis from my ever expanding stockpile

  10. What kind of rules are you considering?

  11. Mariusz: I'm not sure which rule set I'll be using for the convention game. I'm looking at four right now

    -Et Sans Resulatant
    - Age of Valor (Fire and Fury for Napoleonics)
    - Grand Battles Napoleon
    - Deneral D'Armee

    The first two are in the lead right now but I'll need to do some playlists over the next few months

  12. Can't wait to see the figures up close.
