
Thursday, August 9, 2018

Health Update

I have a bit of a health update, which is generally good.  On Tuesday of this week I went in for some surgery to repair the damage created by my little dalliance with Pancreatitus last April.  I'm told the surgery went well.  I can tell you for sure as I was unconscious at the time - these Dr's can be tricky at times so you have to watch them.

I'm typing this message out with a laptop I shouldn't  have in the hospital room so this will be brief.  My ability to do a little work while recovering is yet another benefit of being extremely polite to the nursing staff and having a son who can crack encryption codes for wireless networks.

The recovery timeline is 2-3 weeks some of which will be in the penal facility know as Johns Hopkins hospital and the rest at home.  Rest assured I am scheming on how to get an early work-release but prospects are doubtful.  I do get treated pretty well here since my wife's on the faculty and everyone seems to be terrified of her.  I know the feeling.  But they seem to be terrified in a good way as the nursing staff adores her.  Lets just hope one of the nurses doesn't come the the rightful conclusion MB can do better than me and take matters into her own hands.....

Hopefully I can havesome fun like my last stay in April when some of MB's residents came up my room and asked me how to get on her good side.  I had to two ethical consultants at the time, one dressed in white on my right shoulder telling me to advise them to work hard and be good students, blah, blah, blah.  The other advisor was dressed in red and had much more interesting advice which I followed.  I told them - get her white chocolate, she loves that stuff.  Off they went feeling like their prayers had been answered.  About a week later MB came into the room and complained about "why the hell were people getting me that awful white chocolate crap? - I have to eat some of it with them and it's just atrocious."

I started to feel a lot better then - see laughter is the best medicine!


  1. Get well soon, lots of time for painting

  2. Glad to hear that you're on the right track Miles. I'd be careful with your white chocolate pranks. Strikes me that this is a woman with influence on both your food and your medical care. You'll be lucky not to become the "training" patient for colonoscopies.

  3. Here's to a quick recovery Miles :D

    As Peter says, be careful with those pranks. Previous prankees might go with the colonoscopy training; newer ones may decide that your bladder needs scoping ;)

  4. Get well Miles. Glad your surgery when well. Better to be in the hospital when the other alternative. I see my cardiac specialist on thursday to see is going with my heart. I have all the signs of congestive heart failure. The good news this cold be related to the meds I'm currently taking.

    Take care before long you will be home working on your Napoleonic's

  5. Nahhh - MB's too nice to let her residents know she doesn't like white chocolate. Of course she could decide she needs to practice giving novocaine shots - like she used to do to me when we were dating!

    The less heard about "scoping" the better as that's on the "to-do" list now

  6. Prayers for you speedy recovery, Miles.

  7. Speedy recovery Miles - up and at 'em, Sah!!

  8. Glad to hear you're on the road to recovery...Thanks for the update!

  9. Get well mate, or at least well enough for MB to take you to task over the pranks.

  10. Here’s hoping for a quick recovery 😀

  11. Hope your back brush in hand soon Miles. Take it easy.

  12. Best wishes for a speedy recovery Miles
