
Thursday, December 27, 2018

AHPC IX: Second Submission - British Marines, Wagons and a Gunboat

 The second submission for this year's challenge is proof that while AB miniatures are superb nothing can beat the combination of good quality and great value from Old Glory's Blue Moon line - especially if one purchases the army Card 40% discount card.
 First up are 56 Old Glory British Marines organized into two units.

 These are really nice figures but I found painting them to be a bit of a struggle.  That's solely due to my limited skill set and not the quality of the minis.

 Next up are some Wagons - one never sees enough Wagons and general logistics on a tabletop!  Like the Marines, these minis are from Old Glory and are superb.

 And lastly, we have a simple gunboat from Thoroughbred Miniatures.  I've got six more much bigger ones to finish over the next few months!

This submission netted a tidy 238 points, and was a good jumping off point towards my trek to 3,000.


  1. Stunning terrain, Miles! Figures look great too.

  2. Wonderful collection of military units , wagons and terrain...superb!
