
Friday, December 28, 2018

AHPC IX: Submission 3 French Marines and British Limbers

 My third submission this year is also 15mm Napoleonics in the form of two units of French Marines and some British Limbers.

All of the figures are from Old Glory's Blue Moon Line.
 One of the real attractions of 15mm is the scale of the army that can be fitted on a reasonable table but you can still see the figure details.  I find painting limbers to be a bit of a chore but worth it given how they make a table look.
 There are 56 French French marines organized into two units of seven 4 figure stands
Lastly some 6 pounder British field guns.  Submission Four will likely be a good bit more aquatic in nature.

1 comment:

  1. Great looking additions, Miles. Wishing you and your family a great new year!
