
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

AWI at the Club: Freemans Farm

Last night Tom ran a 28mm AWI game depicting the first battle of Freemans Farm from the Saratoga campaign.  We had over 400 figures on the table from both Tom and my collections, with the bulk being from the glorious fife and drum line.

Tom used the ruleset "British Grenadier" which I think is a fore-runner of General D'Armee.  It took us a while to get the rules down and they did work, but I prefer Gd'A a lot better.  I do have the point out that the writing style in British Grenadier is almost unreadable.  It's like they had 20 pages of rules that were stretched into 80.  The rule book itself is beautiful, just don't try to read the rules.

We left the table set up in the club and I'm going to try a crack at running the same battle using GdA and lets see how that goes.


  1. You should try my one page Fife and Drum rules for AWI games. They are free for downloading at the web store. I can also email the PDF to you.


  2. I enjoy running the same scenario under different rule sets and look forward to your experiment.

  3. Jim- i’ll Take a look at your AWI rules

  4. I like GdA too, and am surprised that the system hasn't been used more for widely. I think it would work (with minor stat tweeks) for anything from SYW to the Crimea and ACW.
