
Monday, September 23, 2019

Late Garden Harvest

Not a bad haul from the garden for this time of year.  By mid September most of the plants have run their coarse so it's always a bit random what one gets.

We do have a Haberno Pepper plant that is going gangbusters so I am going to try to make some form of hot sauce to store over the winter.
Pest control is handled by a large population of Yellow Garden spiders (Argiope Aurantia).  They are big (about 2 to 2.5 inches in diameter) and very scary looking but harmless.  They are also very effective once one learns to work around their intricate webs.  I purchase some egg sacks at the beginning of each planting year to ensure plenty are on hand.  Plus its fun to scale house guests with them when touring the garden.

Of course, my first encounter with these guys wasn't so fun.

Shelob Lives!


  1. Looks like a great haul Miles, enjoy the literal fruits of your labours. Did you or the raccoons 🦝 win the battle of the figs?

  2. My wife judged the contest a stalemate - the raccoons took heavy losses (MB finally gave me a weapons free ROE) but they got about half of the figs. Both sides have withdrawn from the filed of battle to rest, reorganize and refit in preparations for next years campaign season.

    Now to convince my lovely wife that Napalm is thought of as an organic type of pest control.
