
Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Steve's Stunning Escape from Goblin Town Game

 As I entered the club Monday night I stumbled upon Steve's setup for the night's game - "Escape from Goblin Town".  Steve really out did himself - he is a superb GM and puts on a great show.  The scenario was straight out of the Hobbit and starts right after Gandalf slays the GoblinKing and he and the boys need to escape off the board.  Of course they don't really know where the exit is and there are a "handful" of pursuing Goblins.  Steve used GW's Lord of the Rings rules and miniatures and made all of the terrain via 3D printing.  I've never played GW LOTR but really liked them.

My role was the Goblin commander and I had a map of the labyrinth and kept track of the goblin bands via tiny magnets 

The start of the game with the Goblin-King down.   Stee plans to run this at a few conventions so I'm not going to give away a lot of details  but suffice it to say it was a fantastic gaming experience - perhaps one of the best games I've ever played - at least in the top 3.
 Steve also had a period appropriate die roller - also 3D printed. 

The Goblins took fearsome losses but in the end ground the dwarves down, killing two and trapping the rest.  Steve called the game.  It seems based on the outcome that the Hobbit is now just a short story on the perils of traveling outside of the Shire, there was no trilogy and Gary Gygax had no IP to appropriate to create D&D.  The world as we know it does not exist!
We did get to see the full board while cleaning ip post game but there will be no pictures - it's best to experience playing the game and not on a blowhard's silly blog.  All I can tell you is if you see an "Escape from Goblin Town" game run by Steve on a convention event list sign up - it's well worth your time.


  1. Looks fantastic (even with your tactfully careful non-reveals!)

  2. Oh my, that looks spectacular! When will be bring it to Australia?

  3. Excellent board. So its all 3d printed or did he use Dwarven Forge? That's a lot of printng!

  4. Very cool! I love the "reveal" idea --- and the "one ring" dice tray! This gives me ideas ... so many ideas! Well done!

  5. That dice rolling tray! Do want!!!

  6. All the dungeon terrain was 3D printed. It was a massive undertaking by Steve and I think he used 4-5 spools of filament.

  7. What 3d printfile system did Steve use for the dungeons? Was it Puzzlelock, homegenerated, or a 3d file kickstarter? They look really good!

  8. That looks really excellent, and a great way of revealing the map a bit at a time.
