
Thursday, September 24, 2020

15mm Stalingrad Mock Layout

Starting to layout the table for my 15mm Stalingrad game.  On the table now is the far left hand side of the table (if you were standing in the Volga River) and covers the Jan 9th square and Grundinins Mill.

The Pavlov's House model (painted white) is a set of MDG buildings from "Things for the Basement" - it's a great kit and I really like how TFTB lays out their MDF kits.  It's also "true 15mm scale" and some of the ruins I've been experimenting with are a little sub-scale, so they'll need to be revised
An example of a size revision is my Grundinin's Mill scratch build (next to the chimney).  It's way to small when compared to Pavlov's house.  i'll need to redo the Mill so it's a good bit bigger.  The existing version will be repurposed for another ruin so no big loss.

This section of 6x18 hexes represents about 20% of the table so there is a lot of work to do.  As I'm building this for Historicon, I will feel a little silly if the convention isn't held!

I also need to paint up some 15mm Russians - at least I know what I'll be working on for this year's Painting Challenge!



  1. Fantastic, I’m feeling the need to cut some tiles.

  2. Lovely looking set of ruins! I am tempted to go with my winter Soviets...!
    Best Iain

  3. Brilliant work Miles. It looks like a 3D representation of some of my old Advanced Squad Leader boards!
