
Friday, May 16, 2014

Re-Posts Of Monte Casino Terrain Maling Posts

 I've received several requests for more info on the "Monte Casino" terrain section I built way back in 2010 so here are some more pictures.

The following links are older blog posts that track the building of the 2x4 foot section:

Monte Casino Terrain I

Monte Cassino Terrain II

Monte Cassino Terrain III
 I should really refresh this terrain as my terrain skills have improved a bit and I've also gained a better grasp of "engineering terrain" that facilitates game play.  Not all terrain that looks good is easy to play on.  That might be the basis for a series of blog posts.
 You will be seeing a number of battle reports using this piece of section terrain now that the WWPD Italy Campaign is in full swing


  1. I agree that some of the hills might not be easy to fight on, but still... The table looks more than just splendid!

  2. Very Impressive looking terrain board.
