Sunday was a very productive day, terrain wise, as most of the basic scenery work was completed on the "Monte Cassino" module. I'm pretty happy with the results so far and I think it's serviceable for next Saturday's game.
The rather flat section in the upper left of the picture will feature a Monastary as discussed on earlier posts. The church has been primed and a bit of painting work has been completed.
The next few pictures are the module from different angles:
The figures on the table top are just set out for show, I need to tweak the scenario a bit once I've got a firm count of participants.
I believe that it came out quite well. Great job.
Holy cow! That was fast. And it came out looking awesome. I would love to game that terrain. Great job! Dean
Wow - looks fantastic! How did it go from barely done to finished so quickly?
Fantastic addition to the table. But how on earth did you manage to complete it so quickly?
I think I spent a total of 18 hours on the project over the course of 2 weekends. I was able to devote a lot of time this past Saturday and Sunday as my son was away on a Boy Scout event and my wife was away on business. Unlike miniatures, terrain work can be done at speed and still get decent results and it is very forgiving of mistakes - a little extra scluptamold, some paint and it's a new world! It will be a tight to get the Game Craft Miniatures Church done in time - it's just to nice a model to do quickly.
Thanks for all the kind comments.
Fabulous terrain !
-- Allan
I'm with the other guys... nice work!
Most impressive terrain and an incredible output rate. Looking forward to seeing the "abbey".
Great work, great blog. Looking forward to the AAR.
Just a little bit Jealous of your game room but totally in awe of your modeling skills.
Wow, excellent board. I too would like a games room one day, It'll be nice to leave battles set up over night so you can have real big weekenders. Nice work as always, Secundus.
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