This blog will will contain my rather pedantic ramblings on my experiences within the miniature war gaming hobby. There will be informative how-to’s, thrilling battle reports and thought provoking editorials. I fully expect that history will one day view the contents of this blog on par with Homer’s Illiad or Newton’s Principalia. Or it's a complete waste of time.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
First Completed Battalion!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Summer's Drawing to a Close
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Flames of War Game
As a change of pace from Napoleonics, we decided to play a Flames of War (FOW) game pitting an American armored company attacking a depleted German paratrooper company with tank support. Sean played the Americans and I was the Germans. We didn't bother to tally up the point totals but the forces were roughly equal.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
9 More Nappy's Completed
Saturday, August 15, 2009
A Move to Blogger
Sunday, August 2, 2009
First Completed Napoleonics
We’ll I’ve completed my first group of 28mm French Napoleonic troops - a 6lb artillery piece with 4 man crew and the first 6 infantry (2 grenadiers and 4 fusiliers). All of the figures are from the Perry brothers (plastic infantry, metal cannon and crew). I’m trying different forms of shading - the artillery crew was “dipped” in the Army Painter medium tone product and I used the GW wash “Delvan Mud” for the infantry. I think I like the GW shade better.
I do need to coat the lot with a matte spray but it was very humid today, so I’ll be waiting a bit - I’ve heard some horror stories about matte spray applications and humidity, so I thought lets put that step off.
I am finding that painting in a “production line” method helps me control the brush better when painting details (straps, facial hair, etc). While these are not up to the standards of some of my club members, I’m very satisfied that we’re off to a good start.
Here are some more pictures - let me know what you think!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
28mm Napoleonic Plastics: Perry or Victrix?

I’ve made some progress building painting and building some of my new French 28mm Napoleonics. My infantry is all plastic figures from either Perry or Victrix and I’m developing a relatively informed opinion for both. Here are what I see the strengths and challenges for each set:
- Very good sculpting, with the detail features both easy to see and paint
- Very quick and clear assembly time, I especially like how the arms and musket for firing poses are one piece
- 36 of the 42 figures have roughly the same marching pose (minor variations) which I find aids “assembly line painting”
- Pointy parts are relatively strong (bayonets, swords, flag poles) which means a more durable table-top piece
- Cost per figure is $0.67 (source the WarStore) vs $2.58 from Foundry
- I’m not a fan of the mixing of infantry with and without great coats - 15 of the infantry sport a great coat and 15 don’t. This isn’t a problem if your just starting out and buying multiple boxes but if you only buy one box you’ll have an odd mix of with and without winter gear.
- Lots of variability in poses (all figures need to be assembled and consists of a body, two arms, a head and backpack).
- Very good detail (a little more “realistic” than Perry)
- Cost per figure is $0.58 (source the WarStore) vs $2.58 from Foundry
- Very long assembly time
- Pointy parts (bayonets, etc) are very thin and delicate - they will need some minor repairs from table top mishaps.
- Can be a bit awkward to mount on six figure company stands (this may be more due to how I chose to assemble the figures)
Bottom Line:
I plan on using both. I will use Perry for may basic line infantry battalions and I’ll use the Victrix for my “elite” light battalions that fight in open order based on the rules my club uses. If I had to pick only one, I’d go with Perry, but that’s more because I’m just starting out and want to field a force fairly quickly.