The first picture shows a finished model of the 4Ground Ruined Hose #2 kit. It's a great kit but, to me, it's looks both too angular and clean - every things a right angle and there is no rubble. I wanted to take a stab at "tarting-up" the model by adding some simple details. I also need to keep the additions limited so there's still room in the structure to place figures.
Here are the limited materials I used
- a slurry of playground sand, model railroad ballast and matte medium for rubble
- Some basswood for timbers - painted with Vallejo Biege Brown (874) which matches the floor boards closely
- The precut brick rubble provided with the kit
And "viola", a dressed up version of the structure. I went with a restrained application of the rubble and then dry brushed it beige to match the color of the "plaster" covering the walls. I also interested brick sections and window frame parts to add to the effect. The slurry dries rock hard after 30 minutes and once that happens it really isn't going to move.
A handful of timbers were added for more visual interest but I tried to keep them out of the way so figures can still fit in the model.
One last shot. This project was both simple and fast. I think I spent 30 minutes putting everything on and cleaning up but the result is acceptable.
Note: my post can also be found on the
WWPD Bolt Action site
Very nice work. I love these 4ground buildings, especially the ruined versions, but you're right they need a bit more rubble and chaos added to finish them off.
Great results. The original model does appear too 'clean' so your rubble really improves the look of it.
Really nice, I like it! Beautiful details...
Good work, that really does add to the model
A great improvement, I'd be tempted to do the same if I got any
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